SDL Photography @ One Vanderbilt
Picture yourself standing in a box that is made entirely of mirrors...
Everywhere you look you see a reflection of yourself from a different perspective – above, below, behind, ahead, left and right. In fact, within each reflection there will be an infinite number of additional reflections and perspectives on you and how you are showing up. Take a moment and just be in this space. Take a look around. What’s it like to see yourself from all of these different angles and perspectives? What do you notice? How does it feel? What if the different reflections are the different perspectives from all of the people you lead and interact with? What’s it like to be seen from all these different perspectives? What can you learn? What do you want to change? What do you want to keep? And what do you want to amplify?

Co-Founders Nick Shaw and Suki Gill
A message from Nick and Suki...
As co-founders of Mirrorbox Leadership Lab™, we are passionate about helping leaders make sense of these multiple perspectives and creating strategies for transformational change. With a shared desire to integrate personal growth with business ambition, we founded Mirrorbox Leadership Lab to support individuals, teams and organizations on their growth and transformation journeys.
As Executive Coaches and Leadership Consultants, we have helped thousands of global leaders elevate their leadership and have served hundreds of global organizations align their business strategy with their human capital to achieve success.
Nick and Suki
Successful leaders lead through relationships. To do this well, leaders have to have the ability to see themselves clearly and objectively through reflection and introspection. Reflective Leadership™ is about reflecting inwards so you can be intentional about how you reflect outwards, and choose behaviors that will generate the best possible outcome for the situation at hand.
At the core of Mirrorbox’s Reflective Leadership are three philosophical beliefs:

Any journey towards growth necessitates meaningful reflection. If we can’t look at ourselves in the mirror with open and honest eyes, growth will elude us. While self-perception is part of the picture, as leaders we need to understand how others perceive us too. We need to see multiple perspectives on who we are and how we show up…as if we were stepping into a box of mirrors.
"Study without reflection is a waste of time, reflection without study is dangerous."
Change is constant. In order to grow and develop, leaders need to continually experiment with new ways of showing up and responding to change. Unlike science experiments in a controlled environment, we believe the best human learning comes from experiments in the lab of life. It requires leaders to have the courage and willingness to be vulnerable, to try new ways of being, to fail, to reflect, and to learn. At Mirrorbox we help our clients define the experiments and maximize the learnings.
"The true method of knowledge is experiment."
William Blake

Change is hard! At Mirrorbox, our core belief is that for change to occur at an organizational, team or individual level, commitment is critical. Leaders need to be engaged and intentional about every step of their change journey. We work with clients to define the case for change, asking simple but important questions…
Why is change necessary?
What will be possible when change occurs?
What is the consequence of not changing?
In answering these questions, we help our clients craft and envisage the future as well as identifying the commitment needed to enact change.
"Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes…but no plans."
Peter Drucker
While no two Mirrorbox Leadership Lab engagements are the same, organizations ranging from global fortune 500's to well-funded startups engage Mirrorbox in the following ways:
Leadership Consulting
As organizations confront increasing complexity and constant change, how leaders lead also needs to change. At Mirrorbox, we support clients in defining and framing talent and leadership development in the context of broader strategic objectives. We help our clients craft leadership development strategies and competency models that align their business strategy with their human capital so they can positively impact their current and future business needs.
Executive Coaching
To bring about meaningful personal growth and change as a leader, three elements are necessary: a future vision/aspiration for growth, reflection to create self-awareness for where you are today and commitment to take the necessary steps to realize the leader you aspire to be.
Executive coaching is designed to help leaders understand their strengths and weaknesses to fulfill their full potential. With an action-oriented approach, we coach leaders to leverage their strengths and apply new ways of thinking and behaving to unlock their potential and drive business performance.
Team Effectiveness
For a leadership team to be effective and truly have the capacity to achieve its goals, team cohesion is critical. Highly cohesive teams have developed the capacity to collaborate, solve complex problems and move through conflict in service of meeting their shared business goals.
Our proven, Mirrorbox approach helps teams better understand themselves and each other so they can increase their capacity for impact in service of those they lead.
Leadership Development Programs
Mirrorbox partners with companies to help them level up their leadership capabilities in service of achieving a broader business vision. Program experiences are created to meet the unique needs of every client’s situation - there is no cookie cutter approach!
We combine academic research with experiential learning to allow leaders to try new behaviors and apply them to real-world business situations. For change and transformation to take root, we encourage clients to embrace a longitudinal learning journey which includes taking ownership of developing the next generation of leaders, ensuring the sustainability of the organization and its culture.